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部门:바카라 네츄럴


2020.02   获韩国高丽大学博士学位
2014.02   获韩国高丽大学硕士学位
2010.06   获바카라 네츄럴学士学位


2020.09-至今    바카라 네츄럴 - 2024년 최고의 온라인 카지노 讲师
2023.06-2023.08  日本东京大学,Landscape Ecology and Planning Lab、Global Hydrodynamics Lab,访问交流




遥感图像处理(必修) 、遥感概论(必修) 、自然灾害与遥感监测(选修)


1.基于地理空间信息的图们江跨境流域土壤侵蚀与水分收支权衡/协同作用分析、吉林省自然科学基金、省部级,  2022.07 至 2025.07,在研, 主持。
2.中朝跨境流域近30年土壤侵蚀时空变化趋势及其潜在影响分析、바카라 네츄럴博士启动基金、校级, 2020.12至2023.12,结题, 主持。
3.环日本海区域海岸带土地利用与土地覆盖变化对海岸线演变的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家级,2023.01至2026.12, 在研,参与。


1.Yu, J., Yu, H.N.*, Li, L., Zhu, W. 2024. Spatial and temporal changes in the soil freeze-thaw state and freezing depth of Northeast China and their driving factors. Land. 13(3):368.
2.Hou, M., Li, L., Yu, H.N., Jin, R., Zhu, W. 2024. Ecological security evaluation of wetlands in Changbai Mountain area based on DPSIRM model. Ecological indicators. 160, 111773.
3.Yu, H.N., Zhu, W., Jin, R. 2024. Future soil erosion assessment based on changing land cover and different climate change scenarios in the Tumen River Basin. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1): 230143.
4.Yu, H.N., Li, L. 2022. Inferring Land Conditions in the Tumen River Basin by Trend Analysis Based on Satellite Imagery and Geoinformation. Sustainability. 14(9): 5687.
5.Yu, H.N., Lee, W.K., Li, L., Jin, R., Zhu, W., Xu, Z., Cui, G. 2021. Inferring the potential impact of human activities on evapotranspiration in the Tumen River Basin based on Landsat imagery and historical statistics. Land Degradation & Development. 32(2): 926-935.
6.Lv, G., Cui, G., Wang, X., Yu, H., Huang, X., Zhu, W., Lin, Z. 2021. Signatures of Wetland Impact: Spatial Distribution of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Tumen River Basin. Remote Sensing. 13(15): 3009.
7.Yu, H.N., Lee, W.K., Sohn, J.R. 2020. Risk hotspot of chemical accidents based on spatial analysis in Ulsan, South Korea. Safety Science. 123: 104544.
8.Kim, J., Song, C., Lee, S., Jo, H., Park, E., Yu, H., Cha, S., An, J., Son, Y., Khamzina, A., Lee, W.K. 2020. Identifying Potential Vegetation Establishment Areas in the Aral Sea using Satellite Images. Land degradation & development. Available online.
9.Park, S., Kim, S.J., Yu, H.N., Lim, C., Park, E., Kim J., Lee, W.K. 2020. Developing an adaptive pathway to mitigate air pollution risk for vulnerable groups in South Korea. Sustainability. 12(5): 1790.
10.Yu, H.N., Li, L., Zhu W., Piao, D., Cui, G., Kim, M., Jeon, S.W., Lee, W.K., 2019. Drought monitoring of the wetland in the Tumen River Basin between 1991 and 2016 using Landsat TM/ETM+. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 40(4): 1445-1459.
11.Piao, D., Kim, M., Choi, G., Moon, J., Yu, H.N., Lee W.K., Wang, S.W., Jeon, S.W., Son, Y., Son, Y.M., Cui, G. 2018. Development of an Integrated DBH Estimation Model Based on Stand and Climatic Conditions. Forests. 9(3): 155.
12.Heo, S., Kim, M., Yu, H.N., Lee, W.K., Sohn, J.R., Jung, S.Y., Moon K.W., Byeon, S.H., 2017. Chemical accident hazard assessment by spatial analysis of chemical factories and accident records in South Korea. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 27: 37-47.
13.Yu, H.N., Lee, J.Y., Lee, W.K., Cui, G.S., Cho, J.K., Wei, G., Li, L., 2016. Application of CASI hyperspectral image to analysis of the distribution of hydrogen-fluoride-damaged vegetation in Gumi, Korea. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 45(2): 317-326.
14.Nam, K., Lee, W.K., Kim, M., Kwak, D.A., Byun, W.H., Yu, H., Kwak, H., Kwon, T., Sung, J., Chung, D.J., Lee, S.H., 2015. Spatio-temporal change in forest cover and carbon storage considering actual and potential forest cover in South Korea. Science China Life Sciences. 58(7): 713-723.
15.Yu, H.N., Lee, W.K., Son, Y.W., Kwak D.A., Nam, K.J., Kim, M.I., Byun, J.Y., Lee, S.J., Kwon, T.S., 2013. Estimating carbon stocks in Korean forests between 2010 and 2110: a prediction based on forest volume-age relationships. Forest Science and Technology. 9(2): 105-110.


红色延边数字地图在地理信息专业实践教学应用研究, 2022年바카라 네츄럴教育教学改革研究课题,校级,结题, 主持。


俞杭男. 2022. 基于纽带思维的地理信息科学专业应用能力培养初探. 国家通用语言文字教学与研究. 4-6.(省级)

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